AC induction motors are the workhorses that power many types of conveyors to transport materials. However, there's a smaller but mightier type of motor that can help enhance the design and performance of conveyors for many industries.
Welcome to Oriental Motor's "Engineering Notes" Blog:
Products and technology are only valuable when coupled with skilled people and services to support them. Since 1978, ORIENTAL MOTOR U.S.A. CORP. has been building a service and support system to better serve customers. It is our goal to provide the best product and service from the design phase, through the sale and beyond.
Our blog will feature:
- Introduction to new products and technologies
- Motion control basics and application examples
- Tips for motor selection, programming, and troubleshooting
Advancing Conveyor Design and Performance with Brushless DC Motors
Topics: Speed Control, VIDEOS, BLDC Motors, Washdown, Application Examples, New Product Introductions, Food & Packaging, Grip Conveyors, Conveyors
What Does Ingress Protection Really Mean for Electric Motors?
Electric motors drive our world, but they can be susceptible to environmental hazards like dust or water. This article explores IP ratings and codes, what they are, how they're tested, and why they're critical for motor durability and reliable performance.
Topics: AC Motors, Speed Control, VIDEOS, BLDC Motors, Washdown, Application Examples, Motion Control Basics, Conveyors
Case Study: Using Agricultural Automation to Improve Production Efficiency
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, global food prices reached an all-time high in 2022. This case study explains how a vegetable farm in Hokkaido, Japan, improved production efficiency and reduced costs by building in-house automation.
Topics: AC Motors, Speed Control, BLDC Motors, Washdown, Food & Packaging, Case Studies
Which type of electric motor do you size for your conveyor, XYZ table, or robot? Before you select one, you must understand the characteristics of each type of motor in the market.
Topics: AC Motors, Stepper Motors, Speed Control, Motor Sizing, BLDC Motors, Washdown, Servo Motors, Motion Control Basics, Conveyors
Minimizing the Effect of Load Fluctuations for Mixers
The viscosity change in liquids can vary the torque required for mixing. For AC asynchronous motors such as AC induction motors, the rated speed is affected by load torque fluctuations, which may cause inconsistency in the final product. Is there a better motor for the job?
Topics: Speed Control, VIDEOS, BLDC Motors, Gearheads, Washdown, Application Examples
There are a variety of ways to synchronize the speed of multiple motors. In this blog post, we will explain another advantage of using brushless motors systems, which is its ability to set speeds accurately and be able to synchronize speeds on multiple axes easily . Brushless motors utilize built-in hall-effect sensors to regulate speed. Even if the load, input voltage, or temperature fluctuates, the speed regulation will always be under +/-0.2% or better.
Topics: AC Motors, Speed Control, VIDEOS, BLDC Motors, Washdown, Application Examples, Medical, Food & Packaging, Grip Conveyors, Conveyors
Designing Smaller and Lighter Conveyors With Brushless Motors
With the growing popularity of efficient brushless motors, replacing AC motors with these motors brings several advantages. In this blog post, we will uncover one of the advantages that can benefit lighter and compact equipment designs.
Topics: AC Motors, Speed Control, VIDEOS, BLDC Motors, Washdown, Application Examples, Medical, Food & Packaging, Grip Conveyors, Conveyors