Selecting a gearhead for a stepper motor is like picking out the right shoes for the occasion. Sure, you can wear Air Jordans on a football field, but they're not better than a pair of regular cleats. Similarly, you can use a harmonic gearhead to drive a unidirectional conveyor, but you may be overpaying for its zero-backlash capability when you don't have to. Picking the right gearhead can ensure the best balance between performance and budget.
Welcome to Oriental Motor's "Engineering Notes" Blog:
Products and technology are only valuable when coupled with skilled people and services to support them. Since 1978, ORIENTAL MOTOR U.S.A. CORP. has been building a service and support system to better serve customers. It is our goal to provide the best product and service from the design phase, through the sale and beyond.
Our blog will feature:
- Introduction to new products and technologies
- Motion control basics and application examples
- Tips for motor selection, programming, and troubleshooting
Gearhead Selection for Stepper Motors
Topics: Stepper Motors, Alphastep Hybrid Control, Motor Sizing, Gearheads, Motion Control Basics
Gearhead Selection for Brushless Motors
Gearheads play a crucial role in motor performance optimization. Each type of gear offers its own features and characteristics, and the gear ratio alters a motor's output torque and speed. By carefully selecting the optimal gear type and ratio, engineers can fine-tune motor performance to align precisely with the application requirements.
Topics: Speed Control, Motor Sizing, BLDC Motors, Gearheads, Motion Control Basics
Optimal Motors for Chemical Mechanical Polishing of Wafers
Oriental Motor provides a wide variety of products to meet semiconductor equipment design goals. This post focuses on motor selection for two specific motion axes of a semiconductor manufacturing process called CMP (Chemical Mechanical Polishing) and explains how to save time by using different products from the same family.
Topics: Stepper Motors, Robotics, Absolute Positioning, Alphastep Hybrid Control, Linear & Rotary Actuators, VIDEOS, Gearheads, Application Examples
Motors exhibit noise. The important thing to know is how you distinguish normal noise from abnormal noise, and how to troubleshoot.
Topics: AC Motors, Stepper Motors, Speed Control, Gearheads, Troubleshooting
3-Axis Parallel Robot with AlphaStep Absolute Stepper Motors
Remember the days when we used to go to in-person events, such as trade shows? Robot demos have always generated a lot of foot traffic in booths. What's better to illustrate the synchronism of closed-loop stepper motors than 3 motors working together to create one specific motion?
Topics: Stepper Motors, Robotics, Absolute Positioning, Alphastep Hybrid Control, VIDEOS, Gearheads, Network, Application Examples
Minimizing the Effect of Load Fluctuations for Mixers
The viscosity change in liquids can vary the torque required for mixing. For AC asynchronous motors such as AC induction motors, the rated speed is affected by load torque fluctuations, which may cause inconsistency in the final product. Is there a better motor for the job?
Topics: Speed Control, VIDEOS, BLDC Motors, Gearheads, Washdown, Application Examples
Oriental Motor offers many pre-assembled geared motors for quality, consistency, and reliability. In addition, gearheads from our industry partners increase the torque range of our motors further to accommodate more applications. Here are some advantages of geared motors.
Topics: AC Motors, Stepper Motors, Absolute Positioning, Alphastep Hybrid Control, BLDC Motors, Gearheads, Application Examples, Rotary/Index Tables
Flexible Configurations For Hollow Rotary Actuators
Topics: Stepper Motors, Robotics, Absolute Positioning, Alphastep Hybrid Control, Linear & Rotary Actuators, Gearheads, Rotary/Index Tables
The significance of position control accuracy of motors varies depending on the application. For an AGV in a farm with DC motor-driven wheels, position control accuracy is probably not as crucial as a surgical robot where incisions are controlled by servo motors or stepper motors.
Topics: Stepper Motors, Alphastep Hybrid Control, Gearheads, Servo Motors, Motion Control Basics
Motor Sizing Basics Part 4 - How to Calculate Radial Load and Axial Load
Besides load torque, acceleration torque, speed, and load inertia, overlooking certain sizing parameters during the motor sizing process can literally make or break your machine.
Topics: AC Motors, Stepper Motors, Speed Control, Motor Sizing, Capping, BLDC Motors, Gearheads, Servo Motors, Motion Control Basics